Legal notice

The information on this website is purely for the purpose of presenting Power Minerals Ltd. and its products and services. It is provided on an “as is“ basis and without any liability, particularly including (but not limited to) liability with regard to any up to date status, completeness or correctness of the information or any liability for the merchantability of products, their fitness for any particular purpose, or the infringement of third party rights.

Power Minerals Ltd. recommends verifying any information obtained from this website prior to its use. Users of this website agree to access the website and its content at their own risk. Power Minerals Ltd. shall not be liable for any damages incurred in connection with the use of this website.

This website contains links and references to websites provided by third parties. Power Minerals Ltd. has verified the information provided on these third party websites to the best of its knowledge and belief, using professional diligence. Links are provided for user convenience only and do not constitute an approval of Power Minerals Ltd. as to their content. Power Minerals Ltd. shall not be liable for the availability and content of such third party websites or for any damage or injury resulting from the use thereof. Links to third party websites are marked as external link.

The limitations of liability provided herein shall not apply to the extent that Power Minerals Ltd. caused damage by acting grossly negligently or intentionally or in cases of product or other mandatory liability.


The content of this website, in particular all texts, images, graphics, logos, webcam images, sound, video, and animated files, as well as their arrangement, are subject to copyright law and other laws protecting intellectual property. However, Power Minerals Ltd. grants users the right to use, save, or duplicate the texts, images, and graphics provided on this website which are not designated by name or in any other manner, either in whole or in part, for journalistic purposes within the restrictions of prevailing press and copyright laws whereby, however, Power Minerals Ltd. must be named as the source and copyright holder of the information used and a sample copy must be sent to the Power Minerals Ltd. Registered office ( However, using, saving, or duplicating the logos, webcam images, sound, video, or animated files to be found on the Power Minerals Ltd. website, or their arrangement, shall require prior permission from Power Minerals Ltd.

The rights to all documents (texts, images and graphics) as well as logos, webcam images and sound, video and animation data and their arrangement are held by the authors or publishers specified therein. Any exploitation for commercial or other purposes shall require the previous consent of such authors or publishers. To obtain such consent, please contact the authors or publishers directly or the contact person for this web site named in the publication credits.

The texts, images, graphics, logos, etc. provided on the Power Minerals Ltd. website may not, however, be altered, copied for trade purpose, or used in other media, including other websites. Hyperlinks may only be set up to this web site after receiving prior consent from Power Minerals Ltd. To obtain such consent, please refer to the contact person for this website named in the publication credits.

The Power Minerals Ltd. website does not grant any licensing rights whatsoever to the intellectual property belonging either to the Power Minerals Ltd. or to any of its subsidiaries.

All brands and logos mentioned or used on the Power Minerals Ltd. website are legally protected trade marks.

All information or data, their use, and the registration to use the Power Minerals Ltd. website, as well as any activities carried out, tolerated, or refrained from in any context whatever pertaining to the Power Minerals Ltd. website is subject exclusively to English law. The place of fulfillment and exclusive place of jurisdiction is Sutton Coldfield.

Data protection

Protection of data privacy: Your right—our obligation

Protection of data privacy: Your right—our obligation You can count on us to protect the privacy of your personal data… because protecting your privacy when we process your data is a matter of importance to Power Minerals Ltd. that is taken into consideration in all of our business processes.

We‘d therefore like to take this opportunity to explain to you the guidelines that we apply to the processing of personal data. The present declaration and any further information that may be pertinent to the processing and use of your personal data will be provided at any location on this site where we ask you to supply such data.

Data that we collect

You can use almost the entirety of Power Minerals Ltd. web site without ever having to supply us with personal data. Only a fraction of the information and services located on our web site require you to enter personal data in order to use them.

Whenever you use the Power Minerals Ltd. web site, the Power Minerals Ltd. internet server (web server) automatically records and evaluates technical access data. However, this data cannot be attributed to a specific person, which means that the individual user remains anonymous.

Technical access data

Technical access data is information regarding the IP address and the operating system that are in use, the domain name of the web site that acts as a platform for a visit to our own web site, the average e duration of a visit to our web site, and the pages called from our web site. This data is sent to our web server when individual internet pages are called by your internet browser.

We also add cookies to some areas of our web site. Cookies are small data elements that an internet server can send to your computer, thereby allowing it to be identified during your visit to our web site and making it easier for you to use our web site. We don’t use cookies to gather personal data. You can set your internet browser to tell you whether cookies are being accepted or refused. For more information on cookies, consult the help files in your internet browser.

We use this technical access data to continually enhance the appeal, usability and contents of our web site, and to detect any technical problems with the site.

Personal data

We collect, process and utilize your personal data only if you provide us with it voluntarily.

This can occur in connection with a query, an opinion survey, a desire on your part to contact us, an order placed by you, etc.

We also require your personal data when you wish to make use of particular services (insofar as such services may be offered) on the Power Minerals Ltd. web site such as the newsletter or forums. Should you decide to avail yourself of such a service, you will find for each service extensive information and pointers about the type, scope and utilization of the data that is required in order to use the service in question.

Protecting the privacy of children who use the internet

Personal data pertaining to children are not knowingly gathered or used in any way. We are not generally aware of the age of the user of our websites. We have, however, taken no specific steps to give special protection to such data.

As protecting children who use the internet is a matter of great importance to Power Minerals Ltd. Power Minerals Ltd. therefore advises all parents and persons acting in loco parentis to show children how to deal responsibly and safely with personal data on the internet.

Children should not send any personal data to Power Minerals Ltd. without the express permission of parents or a person acting in loco parentis.

How we use your data

Power Minerals Ltd. collects, processes and utilizes all personal data stemming from your visit to the Power Minerals Ltd. web site strictly in accordance with the applicable legal regulations pertaining to the protection of data privacy.

We use this personal data only for the purposes specified in the present declaration (e.g., to process a query or in connection with the utilization of internet services). In addition, we will only gather, process or use personal data if we need to do so in order to protect the legitimate business interests of Power Minerals Ltd.

Power Minerals Ltd. will not provide third parties with any personal data that you may have sent to us without first obtaining your express written permission.

Information, changes and deletions with respect to your data

Pursuant to the applicable legal regulations, you are entitled to query us in writing at any time as to which (if any) of your personal data we are currently archiving. We will then send you a letter containing the information requested. Please address your inquiry to the data protection officer. You may also arrange with him to have changes made in your data or to have such data deleted.

Protecting your data

Any data provided by you to Power Minerals Ltd. will be protected by suitable technical and organizational mechanisms against adventitious or intentional manipulation, loss or destruction, access by unauthorized persons, and against unauthorized disclosure to third parties. With this goal in mind, our security measures are continually monitored and enhanced in accordance with technological advances and organizational resources.

The Power Minerals Ltd. data protection point of contact

Should you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact our office manager who, along with her team, will be more than happy to help you if you need any further information or have any complaints or problems in connection with the security of your data.

Power Minerals Limited
Wrens Court, 46 South Parade, Sutton Coldfield. B72 1QY
Tel: +44 (0)121 321 3416